Do you want to be successful with your weight loss program? You need to get your veggies or add more to your diet if you’re already eating them. Vegetables are high in fiber, so they’re extremely filling, yet still have a lower calorie count. You’ll feel fuller because you’re eating more volume and much of that volume, besides fiber, is water. Think of a juicy tomato or cucumber. Veggies are also lower in calories, so even if you do eat more of them, it’s not a problem. However, you need more than just green vegetables to be your healthiest.
Sure, potatoes are a vegetable…but….
Potatoes are considered a starch instead of a vegetable. So, the answer is, no, you can’t count potato chips or fries as extra vegetables. Other vegetables considered starches are chickpeas, lentils, peas, kidney, pinto, navy, black beans and corn should be considered starches, rather than vegetables. They tend to be higher in calories, so you should limit them in your diet. Beans and other legumes are also high in protein.
Vegetables are good for more than just weight loss.
Tomatoes, for example, are filled with benefits. They can help your body naturally produce a sunscreen for protection. While scientifically, tomatoes are a fruit, just as cucumbers, sweet peppers, green beans, corn and many other vegetables are, it’s used as a vegetable and fits that classification when talking about diet. Tomatoes help you have beautiful skin by providing antioxidants that boost collagen levels. Edamame, immature soy bean pods, are also good for preventing wrinkly skin.
Make your vegetable plate colorful.
Vegetables contain phytonutrients. These are nutrients only found in plants. The dietary recommendation hasn’t been established, since they aren’t necessary to keep you alive, but are beneficial. There are over 2500 different phytonutrients, with six major categories being important. These include: carotenoids, ellagic acid, flavonoids, resveratrol, glycosylates and phytoestrogens. Some give fruits and vegetables their color, such as lycopene, a carotenoid, that gives tomatoes it’s red color. It also protects against prostate cancer and eye problems, like cataracts.
- You’ve probably heard you need a colorful plate of vegetables. That’s because you get different nutrients in each. Orange comes from alpha and beta-carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and hesperidan. It helps protect the eyes and immune functioning and more.
- Purple and blue fruits and vegetables are good for the heart and brain. The phytonutrients also fight cancer and aging. White ones are important for heart health, strong bones and fights cancer.
- Greens are particularly important for many functions. They support heart, lung, liver and cell health. Aid in wound healing and even help gums to be healthier.
- Including more veggies and fruit, especially greens, not only can help you lose weight, they provide micronutrients everyone requires to be healthy and phytonutrients to improve overall health. Make sure your plate is a rainbow of colors.
For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance