I’m always pleased when a new client comes into Biofit Performance in Oviedo, FL, especially when they tell us they are trying to find a way to keep moving, since they’re now staying home, either working from home or retired. While you don’t need a formal exercise program to keep moving, it helps get you into a routine and gets you out of the house. Too often people tell that after a few weeks of being home bound, they found that their desire to be active started to dwindle and inactivity is one of the causes of preventable deaths. Obesity is still number one, but that is also tied to being inactive.
Moving more is probably more important than working out.
If you workout every day for an hour and then sit in the same position at your desk the rest of the day, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Studies show that people who sit the longest have increased risk for diabetes and heart disease. Sitting longer than an hour can wipe out many of the benefits of working out. According to one study, if you sit for longer than six hours straight, you literally wiped out any benefits of a regular workout. Take a five-minute break every hour to walk or move. Do a few jumping jacks or lunges.
How much do you sit when you’re at home?
One study found that sitting longer than three hours a day may be way too much time sitting at one time. Another study from REGARD—Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke—identified that the average person actually sits more than previously thought. The study was aimed at finding why there were more strokes in people of color in the southern US than there were in their Caucasian counterparts. They tracked almost 8,000 people of all races for four years and found that during the 16 waking hours, the subjects averaged 12.3 hours of sedentary behavior, which is 2.3 hours more than previously thought. Track your movement and you’ll probably find something similar.
Even if you don’t work at a desk at home, just watching TV in the evening can be a hazard.
The REGARD study showed that the longer the subjects sat, the more their potential for death increased. Those who sat 13 hours a day had twice the risk of death compared to those who sat 11 hours every day. However, if the subject sat 13 hours, but got up every 30 minutes and moved, then the potential for death lowered by 55%. Sitting longer than 90 minutes doubled the risk of death. If you’re going to watch TV or be at the computer for a while, set a timer for a half hour and get up and move around.
- Travelers and truck drivers are subject to the same problem as those who stay at home. Stopping every 30-50 minutes isn’t an option for them, so when they do stop, a brisk 15 minute workout is suggested for good health.
- Do you have a house with a set of stairs? Make them your workout. Every 30-50 minutes, run up and down them and challenge yourself to increase the number of up and down laps.
- If you want to boost your health and ensure you’ll be moving more frequently, split your workout into three to five ten minute sessions. Several shorter sessions provide the same benefits as one long one.
- As you age, staying active is even more important. Muscles waste away faster and that affects all aspects of your life and health, including bone density. Add walking to your daily schedule and have a workout plan that includes all types of fitness. We offer a free consultation.
For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance