
What Is The DASH Diet?

What Is The DASH Diet?

The name DASH diet is an acronym. It stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. While you can’t always avoid medication, you can certainly improve the odds that you won’t need it to control blood pressure with a combination of healthy diet and regular exercise. Exercise increases the heart’s efficiency and also increases nitric oxide that causes vessels to widen so blood flow is increased. Exercise also helps you attain a healthy weight and avoid serious conditions, like diabetes.

Diet plays a huge role in overall health and blood pressure.

The DASH diet increases food that has more magnesium, potassium and calcium, but is lower in sodium. Compared to other healthy diets, it’s been shown to lower the systolic blood pressure, the top number, by a significant amount—-up to 14 points. While it’s good for your blood pressure, it’s also healthy no matter what your fitness level. It includes whole grains, low fat milk, poultry, fish, beans, nuts fruit and vegetables. The DASH diet also has food lower in sodium, less red meat and less food and drink with added sugar. Trans fats and saturated fats are also reduced.

Weight loss might be one of the side effects of the DASH diet.

Unlike medications, when you use exercise and diet to control blood pressure, the only side effects are ones that are good. For instance, weight loss can occur when you do both, which is helpful if you want to lower your blood pressure. The dash diet is not extremely strict, so it’s easy to follow. The amount of vegetables you can eat is unlimited, but five servings is a recommended minimum. You’re allowed cereals or whole grains, daily fruit, fats, fish, lean meat, poultry or eggs a day. You can have 4 or 5 servings of nuts, legumes and seeds each week and up to 5 servings of sweets each week.

The DASH diet makes you more aware of what you’re eating.

It does more than that, it encourages eating more vegetables. While low salt intake is the accepted norm for those with high blood pressure, newer studies show that a diet high in added sugar also raises blood pressure. Just eliminating sugary soft drinks or processed meats can be a great start and go a long way to lowering blood pressure. In fact, results from the DASH diet have occurred in as little as two weeks.

  • While the DASH diet was created to reduce blood pressure. It’s a healthy diet that could be used by anyone, regardless of their blood pressure levels.
  • One study placed 43 obese children who had high blood pressure on a diet with little added sugar and within just 9 days, blood pressure, sugar levels and bad cholesterol levels all dropped significantly.
  • A healthy diet is a good start to lowering blood pressure, but to make a significant difference, you need to combine it with a program of exercise. Our personal trainers can help you with both.
  • Before you undergo any exercise program or change in diet, always check with your health care professional. Never quit any medication unless the doctor tells you, even if you feel you no longer need it.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance

Physical Fitness Is Linked To Better Brain Function

Physical Fitness Is Linked To Better Brain Function

Personal trainers at BioFit Performance in Oviedo, FL, help people live healthier lives by improving their physical fitness. Physical fitness does more than make you look good. It’s important for all parts of the body, living a healthier life and even brain function. Exercise helps burn off the hormones of stress, which prepare the body for fighting or running. When you’re fit and workout regularly, you’ll burn off those hormones and that can clear your mind and help you relax. Fitness does even more for the brain that just aid with stress.

Exercise and staying fit increases the number of brain receptors.

When you’re fit and workout regularly, it helps boost memory. Exercise helps you make new connections in the brain, particularly in the area of the hypothalamus, which is in charge of functions like blood pressure, appetite and memory. Serotonin is also increased in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters send messages from one part of the brain to another. They’re part of the central nervous system and have both a direct and indirect influence on the brain. Serotonin has a direct effect on your memory and mood, with too little causing depression and forgetfulness. Studies show that the brain creates more serotonin when people exercise.

Exercise increases blood circulation in the brain and other benefits.

You’ll have a better blood supply to the brain, so you’ll be sending more oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to help build more cells. Studies show that people who are fit and exercise regularly, have a thicker cerebral cortex, improved quality of the white matter, which is made of nerve fibers that connect the gray matter in the brain.

Exercise boosts the brain’s neuroplasticity.

At one time, it was thought that you were give all the brain cells you would ever have at birth, but today, we know that’s just not true. Neurogenesis, which takes place in the hippocampus and cerebellum is the creation of new brain cells. Neuroplasticity also takes place. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to “rewire” itself and create new pathways. It means that you can learn new things, no matter what your age and even increase your IQ by learning. IQ is not static. Cognitive decline isn’t necessarily a normal part of aging, neither is dementia. If you stay physically fit, it can be averted.

  • An Australian had 138 subjects with a memory problems and an average age of 69. After half of the group exercised 150 minutes a week, they showed improved cognitive functioning, while the other half that didn’t, showed no improvement.
  • Exercise can help control blood pressure, which lowers the risk of a stroke that can damage the brain severely.
  • Staying physically active and getting fit can increase the amount of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. Both increase the mood, but also how alert you are and provide a memory boost.
  • Physical fitness means eating a healthy diet, too. Focus on a well-rounded diet that has lots of vegetables, berries and nuts. Consider the MIND diet to boost your brain power and health.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance

Fitness Journal Ideas

If you’re old enough to remember having a daily planner before tracking your appointments via tech became popular, you’ll appreciate the usefulness of a fitness journal. A fitness journal can be anything that helps you stay motivated, exercise or eat healthier. Here are some fitness journal ideas that you might want to incorporate into your regimen for fitness. There’s nothing better than writing down the goals and tracking them with paper and pencil. It may be old school, but it works and is easier to see your progress by just flipping through the pages.

Make your fitness journal a daily effort and make it fun.

Use colored markers, drawings and diagrams if you want. Track the food you eat during the day or your exercise program. If you’re just starting out, tackle one part of your fitness program at a time. It can be as simple as tracking your water intake and doing a checklist of tasks for the day with exercise or walking being one of those tasks.

Use it to plan your meals or plan your workout.

If you aren’t using our meal planning app, use your planner to do that. You can also track everything you eat, even if you’re using our app. You’re human, so if it’s not on the meal planner, track it in your journal. It happens. List the exercises you’ll do that day and it can help you get through your workout quicker without stopping to think about what comes next. It also helps ensure you vary your workout. When you list the number of repetitions and sets you do and how you felt doing them, you’ll be able to track your progress, too.

Create bar charts to track more than just exercise and diet.

Track your energy levels, too. You’ll be able to start to see a correlation between a combination of healthy eating and exercise to your energy level. Make sure you also add a chart to show how much sleep you got that night, which also provides a lot of insight. Throw in a few motivational phrases on each page.

  • Create a seven-day, fourteen-day or thirty-day challenge. Outline an achievable exercise program with the daily workout perfectly outlined. Make the final day of your challenge more difficult than day one. Work to achieve that goal.
  • Create a reward at the end of each week or month if you’ve accomplished your goals. Make it something you really want that’s appropriate for the energy expended and persistence it took.
  • Color code your progress. If you’re counting steps, use a different color based on the number of steps you took. If you’re working out, use one color for success and another color if you did an extra set or two.
  • You can opt for premade fitness trackers or just use a spiral bound notebook, journal or daily planner and get creative. It can be as artistic as you choose, the important part is tracking what you do.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance

Losing Weight With No Time For Exercise

Losing Weight With No Time For Exercise

When people come to Biofit Performance in Oviedo, FL, each has a different goal they want to achieve. Losing weight is often a goal people want to reach, but who also come prepared with excuses like a slow metabolism or no time for exercise. To solve that problem, we created an online version so you can workout any time, any place without leaving the house. Using this app is one way to make more time. You can schedule your workout around your day and do it before the day starts or at the end of a busy work day.

Losing weight requires you to eat healthier, too.

One of the most important parts of weight loss is a healthy diet. Great looking bodies start in the kitchen. Our meal planning can help you with a ready-to-make weekly menu that will guide you, so you can learn to eat healthier without any hassle. You’ll be surprised how meal planning and prep can aid in weight loss and make more time during the week when you’re busiest. Just making that one change, healthier eating, can start the process of losing pounds permanently.

Cut workout time with circuit training or HIIT—high intensity interval training—workout.

If you cut your workout time down, you may find it easier to fit in your schedule. Circuit training saves time because you move from one type of exercise to another without resting much in between the two. You’ll be surprised at how much time it saves and how great the results are. High intensity interval training—HIIT—is a method of doing an exercise, whether it’s a simple as walking or your gym routing. You walk, run, or exercise at your highest intensity and get your heart pumping for a short time, then go at a recovery pace for an equal amount of time. You get results faster with an HIIT workout and can cut workout time in half.

You may have time for exercise if you break it up into shorter sessions.

Studies show that you get the same benefit from three ten-minute workout sessions as you do with one longer thirty minute one. If you’re working at home, take a break every hour or two and do a short ten minute workout. You’ll get an entire workout by the end of the day. If you work outside the home, do ten to fifteen minutes in the morning, the same amount of time at noon and/or after work. Consider it your decompression at the end of the day. You’ll feel better and burn off the hormones of stress.

  • Increase the amount of activity in your day. People were born to be active. Walking, gathering food and hunting comprised early man’s activities. Go back to your roots and find ways to walk more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Get more out of every movement by making it a HIIT exercise.
  • Carry a healthy lunch to work and go for a walk to the park or a bench where you can eat. Make the walk brisk or a HIIT workout to maximize the benefit of the walk. Make sure it’s at least ten minutes at a time.
  • Realize you do have time to exercise, even if it’s not a formal class. Sync your phone or computer to your TV and use our online program. Do your workout before your favorite show.
  • Identify times to become more active. Make family time more active and play with the kids. Go for walks, shoot baskets or get bikes or hula hoops for everyone and do it together. You’ll be doing the kids a favor, too.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance

Exercises That Relieve Stress

Exercises That Relieve Stress

If you feel anxious or depressed all the time, with a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, it’s time to take action. Those feelings can come from stress. I have clients at BioFit Performance in Oviedo, FL, who workout specifically to do exercises that relieve stress, Stress can be both good and bad. It’s necessary for survival and prepares the body to run or fight when there’s danger. It was especially important to early man, when running and fighting could help with most stressors. Today, things that are stressful aren’t the same. Traffic jams, an angry boss or customer and getting the house ready for your in-laws visit doesn’t require either, so you never burn off the hormones of stress to return to normal.

You can mimic the act of running and the movements of fighting.

Doing a tough workout can be just as productive when it comes to burning off stress hormones, according to science. After they burn off, the body replaces them with hormones that make you feel good. There are various studies that show that exercise can help lift mild depression and anxiety as well as medication and is a good adjunct therapy for more severe cases. Weight lifting is one type of exercise that can burn off cortisol, which is associated with abdominal fat, and other stress hormones.

If you want to mimic flight, as in fight or flight response, start running.

When you think of aerobic workouts, you probably immediately think of running, but there are other aerobic workouts that are beneficial to relieve stress. Any exercise that gets your heart pumping will do. You can make it a steady state run or maximize the benefits by alternating your pace, going at top speed for a short period and reverting to a recovery period and back again. It turns an ordinary run into HIIT—high intensity interval training.

Out of shape and stressed to the max?

Start simple with what you can do. Taking a walk can be a start. You don’t have to go to the gym or lift heavy weights, just put one foot in front of the other and get moving. Modify your pace throughout the walk, speeding up for a while and slowing down to recover, then back up again. Have you ever noticed how you pace when you’re stressed or know someone who does? It’s because it’s comforting and cuts the stress. As you get fitter, make your stress release more difficult. Include other types of exercise like flexibility training and strength training.

  • Working out not only makes you feel less stress, it also helps your posture. That makes you look more confident and feel more confident, too. In many cases, people find that one change often reduces stress in their life.
  • Getting rid of stress can occur when you workout and even after you finish. Consider using our cold hot plunge or the chromotherapy infra-red sauna after you workout or even before to limber up a bit.
  • If you’re a senior, don’t kid yourself thinking you don’t have stress. Stress doesn’t have to come from the work world and in seniors, it often masks itself as depression. Getting out, working out and enjoying the challenge of getting fit can help reverse or prevent a problem.
  • When it’s possible, workout on the beach or exercise outdoors. Go barefoot and feel the energy of the earth. Direct contact with the ground is called grounding. It feels good and many believe it helps relieve stress.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance

Is It Better To Workout In The Morning Or Evening?

Is It Better To Workout In The Morning Or Evening?

Should you workout in the morning or evening? The answer we like is to workout when you can get to the gym, but with our new online option, that’s no longer true, either. One factor that doesn’t vary is that you should set a workout time and stick with it. Put it in your schedule as an appointment you can’t break. If you find that time doesn’t work after trying for a few weeks, switch to a new time for a few weeks until you find one that works for you almost 100% of the time.

There are reasons to workout in the morning.

Do you want to lose weight and burn off fat? Working out in the morning is the best way to burn off stored fat, particularly if you do it before breakfast. The hormone profile of the body metabolizes fat better at that time. Your cortisol levels and growth hormone levels are both higher, and they’re part of the metabolic process. That means you’ll lose weight faster. Scheduling in the morning means the activities of the day won’t get in the way of your workout.

Workout on your lunch hour.

Sometimes, life loads you down with obligations and the only time you have for yourself is lunch hour. It still could be a great time for your workout. You may burn more fat in the morning, but you’ll have more energy in the afternoon and you’ll get more out of your performance. It can be because you’ve replenished your body with food at breakfast and that can help raise your sugar levels to give you the energy. You’ll also get your circulation going to avoid that afternoon slump. A few studies show it may burn as much as 10% more calories than you would at other times.

Get rid of the stress of the day by exercising after work or early evening.

Working out after work can be great, burning off the day’s stressors and getting your workout done for the day before going home to relax…or make supper, do dishes, get the kids in bed and etc. Don’t exercise too late in the evening if you’re prone to insomnia. Some studies show it can disrupt sleep if done right before bedtime.

  • Working out at night can help cause the body to make less ghrelin, the hormone that makes you hungry. It could cause you to eat less and help you lose weight.
  • Some studies show that working out early helps boost productivity and can improve your mood throughout the day. Some studies show adopting a healthy habit is easier if you do it in the morning.
  • No matter what you’ve read, if you’re simply not a morning person, working out in the morning is not for you. You can try it for a while and see if it helps you be more alert in the morning, but if it doesn’t work, try later in the day.
  • The best time of day to workout is when it is the best time for you. It doesn’t matter what time of day you choose, picking a time and sticking with it is the most important part. Consistency and persistence pays off in big rewards.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance

Can You Eat Too Much Fruit?

Can You Eat Too Much Fruit?

Eating whole foods like fresh fruit and vegetables, is always encouraged, especially if you’re trading it for unhealthy options like pastries and candy. Fruits have phytonutrients that boost your health and antioxidants for cell health. They contain fiber, so even though they’re sweet, the fiber slows the absorption of the sugar in fruit. The nutrients in fruit also provide a wide variety of health benefits. You can eat too much fruit and that amount is determined by your body and circumstances. How much is enough and when does it become too much?

Start with a healthy diet that’s well-rounded.

If you’re eating all types of macronutrients in a well-balanced diet, you probably won’t experience a problem with eating too much fruit. The biggest potential for a problem occurs when you eat fruit to the exclusion of all other types of food. That is what fruitarian does. It’s a type of diet based primarily on fruits such as apples, bananas and oranges. It neglects many important nutrients. Eating too much fruit can also lead to problems with diarrhea and bloating. It can cause people with diabetes to have a rise in blood sugar levels, too.

What’s the recommended amount of daily fruit.

The American Heart Association recommends four servings of fruit every day. That’s about two cups. Their diet also includes a wide variety of other types of food, such as meats, fish, vegetables and vegetable proteins. It’s more important to eat adequate vegetables, than it is to eat adequate fruit. You need 2 ½ to 3 cups of vegetables every day. Your body will tell you if you’re eating too much fruit. It bloats and demands you spend more time in the bathroom.

Variety is important when it comes to fruit.

The rules are the same for fruit as they are for vegetables, vary your diet and make it a rainbow of color. Each color indicates different phytochemicals that improve your health, boost the benefits of other nutrients and act as antioxidants to protect cells. Berries, for instance, are good brain food, while apples are good for many parts of the body, including teeth. Including variety from bananas to berries and apples to avocados can ensure you get all the nutrients you should.

Choosing fruit over fruit juice is important, especially if you’re diabetic or prediabetic. The fiber in fruit slows the absorption of glucose to keep your blood sugar level and also helps fill you up, so weight loss is easier.

Throwing fruit into your smoothy can be exactly what you need to make it more palatable. Unlike juicing, putting whole fruit in the blender provides fiber and all the nutrients in the skin.

Don’t be fooled by yogurt with fruit added that you find in the grocery cooler. It normally has added sugar. Make your own fresh fruit and yogurt combo to ensure there’s no added sugar.

Try new fruit periodically. Dragon fruit, jujube, lychee, mulberries and mangosteen are a few more exotic fruit people seldom eat. Each type of fruit has different benefits for the body.

What's The Healthiest Protein To Eat?

What’s The Healthiest Protein To Eat?

At Biofit Performance in Oviedo, FL, we help you get your fittest, whether your goal is to lose weight, be a top athlete or be your best no matter what your age. It takes a workout program and a diet that contains the healthiest protein, carbs and fats that’s designed to reach your goal. Not everyone needs the same type or amount of protein. If you’re a vegetarian, you’ll want a different type of protein than those who eat meat. Older people that don’t use protein as well and people trying to build muscle tissue need more protein than others. What’s the best type of protein to include in your diet? The answer depends on you.

Protein is important for building muscles, but also for every cell in your body.

Protein is necessary to build cells and repair tissues. It can be a hormone that acts as a messenger, part of the enzyme production process and is in many of the body’s biochemicals. It’s a building block for all cells in the body from hair, fingernails, blood bones, skin and cartilage to brain tissue. Unlike fat, the body doesn’t store protein, which leaves it no reserves if food isn’t available, so it burns muscle tissue. There are twenty amino acids that make up protein necessary for the body and the body can only produce 11 of those. The other nine must come from diet and are called essential amino acids. You need to consume all nine essential amino acids daily.

There are some great sources of protein that you should consider.

One of the top sources of protein that’s recommended for most people’s diet is seafood, particularly fatty fish like salmon. Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in saturated fats. Tuna, trout and sardines are also good. Clams, shrimp, lobster, muscles and scallops are also good seafood choices. Skinless, white-meat poultry, lean beef, milk and milk products, eggs, lean pork and beans are also good sources.

If you’re trying to lose weight, protein can help you do that.

Not only does protein help you build muscle tissue and the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn, it also makes you feel fuller longer. If you’re over 50, it’s particularly difficult to get adequate protein, especially if you’re trying to build muscle or maintain muscle mass. That’s because your body doesn’t digest or use protein as well as it did when you were younger. Athletes need more protein, as well. If you’re vegan, sticking with plant sources like soy, beans and lentils are good protein sources for vegetarians.

  • The amount of protein you need varies by age, physical activity, gender and special conditions, such as pregnancy. Active people need between 0.5 to 0.9 grams per day per pound of weight.
  • While it’s harder for vegetarians to get complete proteins, it’s not impossible. One complete protein source is quinoa. Combining complementary vegetarian proteins throughout the day can also provide all the complete proteins you require.
  • You can get protein from snacking, too. Edame, a soy product, is a protein source, just as dip from Greek yogurt, cheese and crackers, seeds, hard-boiled eggs and nuts or nut butters are good snacking sources.
  • Protein supplements can be a quick way to ensure you get all the protein you need in your diet. Add them to smoothies for a meal on the go. People who have problems processing adequate protein or have increased protein needs, benefit from supplements.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance

Live Your Best Life At Any Age

Live Your Best Life At Any Age

Do you remember when you were a child and you could hardly wait until you became 10, went to high school or was old enough to live on your own and make your own rules? Ironically, once that age was reached and has passed, we often look back at those younger years and yearn for the energy, dreams and vitality of those days. Instead of looking to the future or yearning for the past, it’s time to live your life to the fullest. You can live your best life by focusing on the here and now and realizing happiness and satisfaction doesn’t have an age.

Staying fit and healthy makes a huge difference in how enjoyable your life is.

The older you get, the harder it is to stay fit. Your body slows the production of hormones that help you build muscle tissue. Your body produces less energy because of free radicals and your metabolism slows. Those changes and others cause weight gain. Brain activity can slow and inhibit the production and release of hormones that keep the body running its best on a cellular level. As you gain fat, chronic illness can begin and you slow down due to the excess weight, causing the problem to become worse. While that sounds horrible, with the right diet and a program of regular exercise, many of the problems these changes cause can be reversed.

Find ways to reduce stress, which adds to the aging process.

Stress not only kills, it also creates hormones that can add years to your appearance and increase abdominal fat. How do you reduce stress in your life? You can learn breathing techniques, meditation and even exercise to help reduce stress. You can also make changes in your life to avoid stressful situations. If you feel you’re constantly being bombarded by stressful news, turn off the television, avoid social media and take a break for a while. Go out for a walk instead.

Follow a dream.

One of the saddest parts of getting very old is that too often, people give up on their dreams or don’t look for the next challenge or goal. Dreams are what make life worth living. They’re a reason to get up in the morning. You don’t have to have big dreams, anything you’ve always wanted to do that’s important to you is good enough. No matter what your age, having a goal, a dream will make your life richer and more worth living.

  • Identify what you have and don’t dwell on what you don’t have. If you’re constantly looking at others with envy, you’ll miss all the great things you have in life. Focus on those and count your blessings every day.
  • Learn something new each day and find ways to improve. Whether you take a language class, read a classic or learn how to ballroom dance, learning something new not only makes life interesting, it keeps your brain active.
  • Be adventurous. Take a vacation to someplace you’ve always wanted to go. Be open-minded to trying new things. Take a part-time job to learn more about a field that interests you.
  • Take care of problems that you can solve. Even if you’re dreading cleaning out that closet or facing a more serious problem, just do it. Start on the process and you’ll find it can lift a lot of stress from your life and may not be as serious as you thought.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance

Foods That Can Help Reduce Inflammation

Foods That Can Help Reduce Inflammation

You’ll learn all the pillars of a healthy lifestyle at BioFit Performance in Oviedo, FL, nutrition, fitness, recovery and accountability. Nutrition is extremely important. What you eat makes a difference in whether you remain healthy or become sick. A well-balanced diet is important, but so is eating foods that can help reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to serious conditions, such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and depression.

Not all inflammation is bad.

You need inflammation. It’s the way the immune system fights foreign invaders, such as microbes. Inflammation helps fight infection and aids in the healing process. If your body didn’t have this process, you’d be subject to every virus and bacteria in the air and have no way of fighting them. What you eat can make the difference in the amount of inflammation in your body. The right foods reduce it and the wrong ones encourage it. White bread, pastry and other refined carbs encourage inflammation. Soft drinks or other beverages with added sugar, red meat, fried foods and fats like margarine, shortening and lard also increase it.

Choosing an anti-inflammatory diet can benefit your overall health.

Besides reducing the amount of inflammatory foods in your diet, you need to increase the amount of foods that fight inflammation. You’ll recognize many of these foods from the Mediterranean diet, which include tomatoes, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, fatty fish, nuts and seeds and fruit. Coffee is also anti-inflammatory, because of the polyphenols and other anti-inflammatory compounds. Some of the best fruits and vegetables include colorful fruit like blueberries and leafy greens, both are high in polyphenols and antioxidants.

An anti-inflammatory diet not only reduces chronic inflammation, it has other health benefits.

When you consume an anti-inflammatory diet, you’re eating mostly unprocessed foods and that can be a benefit to everyone. It can help you lose weight and play a role in both your emotional and physical health. Foods with added sugar are highly inflammatory, since they cause spikes in blood sugar. Those are the first you should avoid and work toward eating healthier from there. Spicing up your diet with garlic, cinnamon, ginger and turmeric can improve anti-inflammatory qualities. White, oolong and green tea are also rich in anti-inflammatory antioxidants.

  • Eating food with Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel, can help prevent the body from forming inflammatory compounds. It also reduces the body’s existing inflammation.
  • Foods high in fiber, like oatmeal and fresh fruits and vegetables provide prebiotics to feed the health bacteria in the gut and aid digestion. That bacteria then produces inflammation fighting substances.
  • If you love a little sweetness in your diet, fresh fruit will taste incredibly sweet once you give up sugar, but you can also have a little dark chocolate, as long as it’s 70% cocoa. Just like berries, it contains flavonols that fight inflammation, especially in arteries.
  • At BioFit Performance, we provide a nutritional meal plan designed personally for you to help you fight inflammation, live healthier and reach your fitness goals.

For more information, contact us today at BioFit Performance